Crossroads Community Church

11160 Oliver Road
McKean PA


Come and join us in worship!

10 AM Sunday

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Elder Led

Crossroads is an elder led church. You may think we have no pastors or we have many pastors, but the Scriptures call the elders to teach, lead and protect the sheep.


We practice a very participatory style of worship. We teach and don't just present. We want understanding, not just hearing, which leads to obedience We sing and not listen to the 'band'. Prayers come from the assembly, not the 'pulpit'. The reading of God's Word by the body is central to how we worship.

The Scriptures are central to who we are, how we live, how we see the world. It shapes our life, our worship, our interactions with our fellow believers and those outside the church. The Scriptures reveal God's character and his love for us. Our love for God is revealed in how we obey his Word.

Scripture Led


We understand that we are sinful creatures, enemies of God, unable and unwilling to come to God on our own. We believe that Jesus is God incarnate, who gave up His glory to come down to us, to be a perfect sacrifice for our sins to reconcile us to God. His shed blood, death on the cross and victorious resurrection provide forgiveness of sins, the promise of the Holy Spirit and eternal life for all who believe in Him.

Crossroads Community Church Particulars..

Verse of the Day